Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mrs. Maronpot's Lesson To Us

The first thing that stood out to me, which I believe most likely stood out to many of us is this teacher’s drive and passion for what she does. Her passion is for learning and her students. this profession, there is always room for growth and improvement. Even a teacher who has been Teacher of the Year five years in a row can improve instruction and thought to be even better. This constructive criticism is something all teachers need. We want to better our knowledge and understanding to better student learning and understanding. This video reminded me that a teacher I cannot stay with in my comfort zone of teaching, but rather am challenged with trying different and new techniques to enhance the learning experience for students.

A few take-aways from this video include preparing questions the night before. I think it is easy to prepare for a lesson and have materials ready but not necessarily prepare for the question asking portion of the lesson. Questions are what start discussion and conversation in the class and need to be asked methodically. A variety of questions should be used and not just one type in order to create productive discussion in class. Questions will provide meaning to certain topics and concepts. Another take-away is the suggestion of allowing students to display their work before the class and using technology to its full potential. I just wrote a paper this week about the Hungarian Math Classroom. It discussed that there is so much power in allowing students to show procedures in front of the class allowing for students to take control of their learning. It began to change their math role of thinking like a student to thinking like a mathematician. After all, we learn from others. Step back on so much teach instruction and allow students to take ownership of their learning and growing.
WC: 313


  1. Isn't it weird how much of what we are learning is to stop telling the kids things and let them find out in guided work? But we still have a mess of preparation in our futures.
    I agree about Ms. Maronpot's drive but I was also struck by how brave you have to be to ask to be given further instruction on your typical work day, especially since it is all a youtube video for everyone to see.

  2. Hi Caroline! I think it is so important to always be improving. There are constantly new methods and new technologies and new ideas that our students are encountering and it would be almost crazy to not implement them into our teaching methods! If we don’t do this, we are not giving our students the education that they deserve. I also really liked what you said about preparing questions the night before. If we are not preparing these especially when we first start out it will be hard to get deeper level thinking out of our students.
    96 Words


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