Monday, September 11, 2017

Resource Blog #2

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Motivating the Unmotivated

This article provides statistics and steps to assist teachers in helping their young students become more engaged and active in their learning. Focus on motivation, time commitment from teachers and staff, reinforcement through repetition, provide effective motivators, and provide fun for the students are the five components to leading students to motivation in the classroom. The part that stood out to me about this program is while these steps aim towards elementary and middle school students, there is an opportunity for community service for high school students. This online chat service, founded by the nonprofit organization, On Giants' Shoulders, allows younger students to engage with older students each week, have something to drive their learning, and provides each student with something unique and special. This brings teachers of all grades and students of all grades together to form a powerful and impactful learning community.

WC: 140


  1. I find it hard to motivate myself sometimes, so motivating a classroom full of students who are unmotivated to learn is a tough job. I enjoyed reading about On Giants’ Shoulders because it is taking students from all grade levels and bringing them together. I know from experience that interacting with the elementary kids that I tutor is the best part of my week, so I can understand when the teacher said that it was the best part of her students’ week.

  2. Motivation is key for students AND teachers within the classroom!! Isn't that what gets us through anything we do in life? It's so important, and I love how this resource gives some motivation pointers for teaching and keeping the class involved and motivated to participate in class. As a future teacher, I'm definitely going to apply these steps when it comes to my lesson planning. I'm going to want to plan around wanting my students to learn and succeed!

  3. Hi Caroline! Thanks for sharing this resource. How might you connect the ideas about motivation to content-area literacy?


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